Yolo Portfolio Documentation
The Documentation
- Created: 07/03/2020
- Latest Update: 07/03/2020
- By: YoloTheme
Yolo Portfolio GENERAL
Yolo Portfolio Instruction
Firstly, we would love to send our great thanks to you for purchasing Yolo Portfolio. This documentation covers almost everything to guide you step by step from the start to have your site on air. We encourage you to read thoroughly all sections before you go on. Thanks again and enjoy building your amazing website with Yolo Portfolio.
Yolo Portfolio is a great WordPress plugin for Elementor Page Builder that allows you to create your own posts and items in your post type according to your preferences and display it in a layout you want, hover styles and load more to bring effects. Stunning, In addition, the page details item portfolio displays all the information and related items, social networks you want to include and more.It's time to discover all highlight features:
- User-friendly
- Fully Responsive
- Touch & Mobile Friendly
- Extremely Easy to Use
- Highly Customizable
- Elementor Support
- Preview interface in back-end
- Flexible options for displays on different devices
- Popup beautiful interface
- 5 layouts different
- 5 layouts for portfolio details
- Hover dir effect, everything moves so smoothly!
- Support link, gallary image and video of Youtube, Vimeo . . .
- Filter by Category or Tag
- Support all major web browers: IE10+, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera …
Requirements for Yolo Portfolio
To use Yolo Portfolio plugin, you must be running WordPress 4.4 or higher, PHP 5.5 or higher, and MySQL 5.6 or higher. Follow the checklist below to ensure that your host can work well with Yolo Portfolio theme:
- The plugin required Elementor Page Builder plugin.
- Your web host has the minimum requirements to run WordPress.
- They are running on the latest version of WordPress.
- You can download the latest release of WordPress from official WordPress website.
There are two ways to install plugin. It belongs to the way you choose your preference.
Install Plugin via WordPress
- Step 1: Login to your WordPress Admin Panel, navigate to Plugins > Add News > Upload Plugins
- Step 2: Find yolo-portfolio-for-elementor.zip file on your computer and click Install Now
- Step 3: Click Activate to activate this plugin.

Install Plugin via FTP
- Step 1: Login to your hosting space via an FTP software.
- Step 2: Unzip and upload the yolo-portfolio-for-elementor.zip file to your "wp-content/plugins" folder.
- Step 3: Activate the newly installed plugin by going to Plugins > Installed Plugins and clicking the Activate button.
After installing and activating Yolo Portfolio For Elementor, please follow these steps to using this plugin for your website:
Create Category, Tag and Portfolio in Post Type
- Step 1: Create Cateogyry in Post Type.
- Step 2: Create Tag in Post Type
- Step 3: Create Portfolio in Post Type

1: With config Thumbnail Size, for layout packery type only2: With config View Detail Style, if you Inherit from portfolio setting, The layout style will display as selected by the post type portfolio setting
Add Widget in page Wordpress
- Step 1: From Dashboard, navigate to Page > Add News to create a new page.
- Step 2: Click Backend Editor and click button Edit Elementor
- Step 3: On the Elementor toolbar you just need to find the Yolo Portfolio widgets or you just need to search for the keyword "Yolo" and the widgets will appear, only 1 widgets
- Step 4: Now you just need to add a Section and drag and drop the widget you want into that section
- Step 5: Setup all config of widget, click button Pubsish or Update and preview

And interface will display Elementor

And preview view interface will show

Yolo Portfolio has 6 layouts and 5 style for the portfolio details.
Config Widget Portfolio and Preview Image
Detailed option- Source: Select item portfolio from category or each item .
- Select category: You can select a or many category, If it is empty, it is equivalent to selecting all category
- Select Product: You can select a or many item, If it is empty, it is equivalent to not select item.
- Select Layout: Have 6 style layout.
- Portfolio Title: Choose show/hide title, select position top or bottom.
- Overlay Style: Select the information you want to display when hovering over images.
- Overlay Effect: Have 3 style hover effect different.
- Hover Dir Effect: On/off hover dir effect.
- Column: Select column show on desktop, tablet and mobile.
- Show Filter: Choose show/hide title, select position left, right or center.
- Filter By: Can choose filter by category or tag, if choose tag please selec tag
- Portfolio Tag: Select tag you want filter
- Show Paging: Show or hide load more button
- Number or Item: Enter number want show first
- Order Post Date By: Can or ASC or DESC
- Padding: Chooose padding for item portfolio
- Extra Classs name: Add class name for each widget
Config preview back-end widget portfolio
Preview Image layouts and styles
- Layout Squared 4 columns filter by tag
- Layout Landscape 3 columnns filter by category
- Layout Portrait 4 columnns filter by category
- Layout Masonry 3 columns
- Layout Packary 4 columns
- Layout Default 4 columns hide title and image will show follow natural size

Config Single Setting Portfolio
Detailed option- Portfolio Archive Base Slug: Input your slug as you want for Portflio URL
- Single Portfolio Layout: Select layout single item portfolio, have 5 style layout different .
- Show/Hide Related: Show/hide related project
- Select portfolio related style: Select style item related
- Portfolio Related Column: Select columns slider item related
- Portfolio Related Orverlay Style: Select the information you want to display when hovering over images.
- Select portfolio related hover effect: Have 5 style hover effect different.
- Social Follow Us: Please enter a link for each social, if the social is wide, it will not be visible outside the front-end, if any social is not empty, it will be displayed outside the front-end.
Config for Portfolio Settings
Preview Image layouts and styles
- Style Single Video Layout
- Style Single Full Width Slider
- Style Single Vertical Gallery
- Style Single Vertical Slider
- Style Single Gallery Haft Width
- Style Single Gallery Full Width

When you come to this section, we hope that you found all the information provided in this documentation helpful and you have finished installing and polishing your site as what you have imagined of. After reading carefully this guide, if you still need any helps, don’t hesitate to contact us at Yolo Support Center. You will be asked to create an account if you are new to us and enter purchase code to post a topic for support. To get your purchase code, please login to your ThemeForest account, navigate to “Downloads”, click the “Download” button on the left side of our theme, choose “License Certificate” to download the license file where you can find the purchase code.
Please be noted to post a topic with your issues be clearly clarified. It is recommended you send us together with link of your site and your admin account. These will help to save time for both of us. Finally, please be patient. It will take us some time to check all the topics and we will solve topics from older to newest.
Hopefully, you will enjoy using Yolo Portfolio! Thank you for choosing our theme.