Firstly we would love to send our great thanks to you for purchasing Canifa. This documentation covers
almost everything to guide you step by step from the start to have your site on air. We encourage you to
read thoroughly all section before you go on.
Thanks again and enjoy building your website with Canifa.
WordPress Information
Before installing this theme, please make sure you have a working WordPress version already installed. For
further guide to install WordPress, please find in below useful links:
Codex: General info about WordPress and how to install your server.
When purchasing successfully our theme from Themeforest, you will need to download theme package for your
use. To download the package, please login to your Themeforest account, navigate
to “Downloads”, click the “Download” button in the
left of the theme, choose “All files & documentation” to download our theme
package to your computer. The theme package includes:
Yolo_Theme: Includes and file that consists of everything you
need to install the theme.
Document Folder: Includes Canifa Documentation file that helps
you get to know about Canifa and guides you to build your site with our theme.
Release_logs file: Includes the licensing files of Themeforest purchase.
Demo Content Folder: Includes the .xml file and revolution slider sample data which you will need to import our demo
Requirement for Canifa
To use Canifa theme, you must be running WordPress 3.6 or higher, PHP5 or
higher, and MySQL 5 or higher. Follow below checklist to ensure your host can work
well with Canifa theme:
Your web host has the minimum requirements to run WordPress.
They are running the latest version of WordPress.
You can download the latest release of WordPress from official WordPress website.
You did create best secure passwords FTP and Database.
There are two ways to install the theme. It is up to you choose your preference.
Install Theme via WordPress
Step 1: Login to your WordPress Admin Panel, navigate to
Appearance--> Themes
Step 2: Click Install Themes on the top --> hit
Upload button.
Step 3: Find “” file on your computer and click “Install
Step 4: Once uploaded, activate the theme. Go to
Appearance-->Themes and activate it.
Step 5: Then you will see a notification message to activate the required &
recommended plugins: Contact Form 7, Revolution Slider, WPBakery Visual Composer,YITH WooCommerce Wishlist,Yolo Library,WooCommerce
Follow the steps to install and activate each plugin.
Note: If you see this message “Are You Sure You Want To Do This”
when installing file via WordPress, it means that you have an upload max file size limit. Try to install
the theme via FTP instead, or contact your host to increase the limit.
Install Theme via FTP
Step 2: Unzip the file and ONLY use the extracted
yolo-canifa theme folder.
Step 1: Login into your hosting space via an FTP software.
Step 3: Upload the extracted Canifa Theme folder into
wp-content/ themes folder.
Step 4: Activate the newly installed theme by going to
Appearance-->Themes and clicking the Activate
Step 5: Then you will see a notification message to activate the required &
recommended plugins Contact Form 7, Revolution Slider, WPBakery Visual Composer,YITH WooCommerce Wishlist,Yolo Library,WooCommerce.
Follow the steps to install and activate each plugin.
Plugin Installation
Here is the list of plugins that will come together with our theme when you activated it. You are
recommended to install and activate these plugins base on your own need:
Contact Form 7: Canifa is fully compatible with Contact Form 7, the free form plugin
recommended to create a nice form for your site.
Visual Composer: The popular drag and drop page builder with an intuitive interface to
build your content at ease.
Revolution Slider: Create a responsive or Full-width slider with must-see-effects.
Woo Commerce: An e-commerce plugin. This is a very popular free plugin you will need if
you plan to create a membership for a member.
Yolo Library: This is Yolo plugin which allows you to create post types, taxonomies,
Import Demo Content
The easiest way to import our demo content is to use our Demo Content Importer. Our importer will give you all pages and posts, several sample sliders, widgets, and more.
Import Slider
You should import all our sliders before importing Sample Demo Data, please follow these steps:
Step 1: Go to Dashboard--> Revolution Slider-->Click “Import Slider”.
Step 2: There is one pop-up which appears -->Click Choose File button to select file from your computer (all sample slider is contained on demo_content file which you downloaded from ThemeForest market.)
Step 3: Click “Import Slider” to import a slider on your site.
Import All Content Demo
Step 1: Make sure you have installed and activated our theme & all plugins before importing.
Step 2: Navigate to Yolo Settings-->Click Install Demo to import all sample data of Canifa theme. You absolutely select the elements which you want to import by checking on Import Post, Import Nav Menu or Import Content.
Step 3: It can take a few minutes to import everything. Please be patient and wait to complete. Once it loads, you will see a Success message below the tabs.
Step 4: All done, you will have a website that look like our demo site.
Update Theme
Auto Update
Please follow these steps to update automatically this theme:
Step 1: Navigate to Plugins--> Add News --> Upload, find and install file. You can go to this LINK to download the
Step 2: To establish an Envato Marketplace API connection navigate to the Envato
Toolkit page and insert your Marketplace username and secret API key in the designated input fields. To
obtain your API Key, visit your "My Settings" page on any of the Envato
Step 3: Once the API connection has been established you will see a list of themes that
can be auto installed. If you don't see any themes and are certain you've done everything
correct, there is a good chance the theme author has not updated their theme to be available for auto
install and update. If that's the case, please contact the theme author and ask them to update their
theme's information.
Manual Update
You can also update the new version in traditional way:
Step 1:Backup all custom files (files which you have edited some
codes). Or you can use Child
Theme to save all custom files
Step 2:Deactivate current theme by going to
Appearance--> Themes and activate any other themes such as the
Default WordPress 4.x Twenty Fourteen.
Step 3:Update and re-install new version.
Assign Homepage& Blog page
To assign Homepage and Blog page, please follow these steps:
Step 1: Navigate to Settings--> Reading
Step 2: Select Front page displays: A static page then chooses
Front page and Posts page from dropdown list
Step 3: In addition, you can choose the number of post on Blog pages show
at most option.
Step 4: Click “Save” to save configuration.
Our Theme customizer works as the original WordPress customizer feature but is much more versatile. All our
theme options can be changed in our Customizer on the left side and live preview instantly on a right side.
With this intuitive interface, you can customize your website as your wish at your fingertips without
writing a line of code.
To start using Customizer in Admin Panel, navigate to
Customizer, you will be redirected to a live preview screen where you can change options on
the left side and preview your site on right side promptly. All your change will not be committed and viewed
on your site until you click Save & Publish on the top right of
Customizer bar. You are also able to Export your setting in Customizerand Import to apply for other sites.
Site Enhancement
Enable/ Disable some features for your site. There are options below:
Back To Top Button: Back To Top Button will appear in the right bottom when users
scroll down. Enable/Disable as your preference.
Enable Page Heading: Page Heading will be displayed on the header of the page.
Enable/ Disable as your preference.
Enable Page Breadcrumb: Breadcrumb will appear on the header of the page. Enable/Disable
as your preference.
Enable Mail Chimp Subscribe: there is a form which will appear as a form subscription
on the footer. Enable/ Disable as your preference.
Design and Layout
This section will set a style and a layout for your site.
Site Layout: You can choose 2 layout styles including Boxed Layout and Full-Width
layout. With Boxed Layout, you will have additional options for max site width, background color or
image setting.
Customize your Typography settings. Canifa integrated all Google Fonts. See font preview at Google Fonts.
Custom Fonts: Enable Custom Fonts to customize font, font-size and another setting for
heading and body text.
Custom Font Color: Enable Custom Font Color to customize font color of heading
and body.
Heading: If checked on Transform to Uppercase, you will have heading <h1><h2><h3>
which is uppercase type.
Body: You can change the font size of the body by selecting font size from the
drop-down list.
Color: Here you can set the color for links and various elements on your site.
Customize settings for Heading including Navigation Bar, Logo, and NavBar Alignment
Heading Style
There are two Header Styles including Logo Align Left and Logo Top Center.
Navigation Bar
This section adjusts settings for Navigation Bar. You also can customize some settings for the Toggle Button
on Mobile in this section.
NavBar Position: This option allows you to select a type of NavBar including Static Top
or Fixed Top.
Background Navigation: Select a background color for Navigation bar.
Use Custom NavBar Font and Color: If On, you can change the font, font size, link color
and link hover color for header font. In addition, you can add color for Sticky Background, Sticky Link
and Sticky Link hover for the navigation bar.
Canifa allows you to add image file or text for the logo. You will see a button turn On/Off Use Image for
If Off Use Image for Logo button you will have the option to enter your site
name, select logo font from Google font, font size, and color for your logo.
If On Use Image for Logo button you will have two logo images to upload. The
first one is for the standard desktop while the second one is for retina ready devices (optional). Click
the Upload button and select your logo file. Upload your logo image and retina one (a large image, with
double the amount of pixels that your image will be displayed at). Enter your image height you want to
display on the navigation bar and we will do the calculation part for you to make it look great on all
screen size.
NavBar Alignment
Adjust height of navigation bar, space between links and size of the mobile navigation button.
Top Bar
Top Bar lays on top of your site, above Navigation bar. It is suitable for placing contact information and
social media link. Enable to control its layout and content. On this section, you can turn On/Off Top Right
Menu & Login/ Register on your site.
Footer contains Widgetized area and Footer Bottom. You can change any parts.
Show Footer Social Icon: Check or uncheck this option to enable/ disable Social Icons
on footer section.
Footer Columns (Widgetized): Set the footer column number from the drop-down list. A
number of columns can be from 1 to 4. You also can select None to leave it blank (no footer
Footer Logo: You can add a logo for the footer.
Use Image for background: Turn On/Off to use an image for the background.
Footer Bottom Content (HTML): Add your footer bottom content here. On Canifa we have
added this HTML content:
This section enables you to add and customize Widgets on your preview site. It includes a number of Footer
Columns due to the setting in above section: Footer Settings.
When WooCommerce is installed on your site, you will be able to change settings for shop pages and products
in Customizer.
Shop Page
Shop Layout: It can be full-width, right sidebar or left sidebar. If you choose a
sidebar for your shop page, you need to choose a sidebar on Shop Sidebar option.
Shop Heading: You can choose heading background image for shop page. It will be
displayed on the header of shop page.
Shop Default View Style: Choose the style default for your shop page including Grid or
Product Grid Columns: Select the number of columns products for the page.
Product Per page: Enter the number of products which will be displayed on
per page.
Single Product
Product Layout: It inherited from shop page layout. You can choose a layout for the
single product on Shop Page section. If you want to change to the different layout, uncheck the same as
Shop layout box to choose another option.
Related Products Counts: Select the number of related products on single product page.
Enable Social Sharing: Click turn On/Off social sharing on your single product.
Product Heading: Enter product heading and select Heading background image.
Post List
Choose layout settings for your Post List.
Blog Layout: It can be full-width, right sidebar or left sidebar. If you choose layout
with sidebar, select blog sidebar for your blog
Blog Sidebar: Choose a sidebar for your blog.
Heading Title: Enter title for blog page here. Your title will be displayed in the
center of the background image.
Heading Background Image: You will have background image on the header of blog page if
you click “Select Image” button then choose your image.
Header Transparent: Check or uncheck to turn on or off Header Transparent.
Excerpt Length: The number of characters displayed on post-selection.
Single Post
Post Layout: Choose Post layout same as blog layout by checking boxes beside options or
uncheck to choose another layout
Show Post Meta: If checked, post meta will display on each post. Similarly, you can
choose show/hide post tags and author’s bio.
Enable Social Sharing: Enable/Disable Social Sharing. If enable, you will allow a
visitor to share your posts by Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and LinkedIn.
Social Media
This section helps you to input your social media profile.
Custom Code
In this section, you can add custom JavaScript and CSS to your site. Your Google analytics tracking code
should be added to Custom JavaScript field.
Import/Export Setting
All themes from YoLoTheme share the same theme settings structure so you can export then import setting from
one theme to another conveniently with our any problem.
Import Settings: Click Upload button then choose a JSON file (.json) from your computer
to import setting to this theme. All the settings will be loaded for preview here and will not be saved
until you click button “Save and Publish”.
Export Setting: Simply click Download button to export all your settings to a JSON file
(.json). You then can use that file to restore theme settings to any theme of YoLoTheme.
Menu Location
Canifa has 2 menu locations:
Primary Menu: This is main navigation which located in the header.
Top Menu: This is located at the top bar. It doesn’t support dropdown.
Create A New Menu
This theme has built-in multi-column menu system. Menu are created using the core WordPress menu
manager. Following the guide below to learn how to create a new menu on Canifa theme.
Step 1: Navigate to Appearance--> Menus from
Admin panel.
Step 2: Click the Create A New Menu link to make a new menu. Enter the
name then click Create Menu button.
Step 3: To add menu item, select pages and posts on the left-hand side and click
Add to Menu button. You also can add custom links or post categories into the menu.
Step 4: To create a dropdown menu, simply drag a menu item below of another menu item
and slide to the right, and it will lock into place and create a dropdown section.
Step 6: After setting up your menu, scroll down to the bottom of the page to assign the
menu on the Theme Location box.
Step 7: Once it’s all done, make sure you click the Save Menu
Canifa’s page is built by Visual Composer plugin, please make sure your website has installed this
plugin. You can see this Video Tutorials
of Visual Composer plugin learn more about “How to build your custom page”.
In addition, Canifa provides 2 sections to set up your page, including Page Template and Page Settings.
Page Template
We have built some specific Canifa’s page template for you. Here is the list and their short
Default Template: The default template can be used for any page. You can
customize and add a shortcode to build Homepage, Contact, Blog…
Full- width Template: This template is set to be full-width that can be used for
Homepage, About page….
Page with Left Sidebar: You can have your page with the left sidebar with this
template. Use this template for your blog or whichever page you want to have a sidebar. Select Page
sidebar to display in sidebar position in Sidebar box.
Page with Right Sidebar: Also with sidebar but the right one, and of course, its use is
quite the same. Choose this template for your blog or whichever page you want to have a sidebar. Select
Page sidebar to display in sidebar position in Sidebar box.
Page Settings
We have created some specifics Canifa page settings which will help you to build splendid pages for your
website. Following the list of options below to see how they work:
Heading Style: There are 3 heading styles including Default, Logo Align Left,
and Logo Top Center.
Logo Align Left
Logo Top Center
Heading Transparent: Check/ Uncheck to Enable or Disable Heading Transparent.
Hide Page Title: Turn On/Off page title by checking or uncheck this option.
Edit Page Title: Enter text on this box to edit your page title.
Heading Background Image: Click “Select Image” button to change your
Heading background.
Canifa supports 5 post formats. Follow below steps to see the description of Post Formats and Global setting
of Post.
Post-Format Setting
Gallery Settings: When selecting Gallery Format, you will have Gallery Setting meta-box
to add as many images as you want into your gallery and manage your preview content as Featured Image,
First Image on Gallery or Image Slideshow.
Image Settings: When you selecting Image Format for you post, you will have Image
Settings a meta-box to choose a main image of the post. Set Feature Image as the main image for preview
content or Choose Your Image if you want to set another image as the main image for preview content.
Video Settings: When selecting Video Format, you will have Video Setting meta-box where
you can add video URL, and embedded video code, aspect ratio, and preview content as Featured Image,
Video or Featured Image as Video Thumbnail.
Audio Settings: When selecting Audio Format, you will have Audio Setting meta-box where
you can add embedded audio code, aspect ratio and preview content as Featured Image, Video or Featured
Image as Video Thumbnail.
Quote Settings: When selecting Quote Format, you will have Quote Setting meta-box where
you can add the quote and citation and manage your preview content as Featured Image.
Post Setting
Page Layout: The default for the layout of Single Post is Page With left Sidebar, check
on Override Global Settings option if you want to select another layout style,
including Full Width, Right Sidebar and Left Sidebar.
Heading Background Image: Select an image as Heading Background for your post.
Install WooCommerce
There are two ways to install WooCommerce plugin, you can choose a suitable ways for your website.
Automatic Installation
Automatic Installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t
even need to leave your web browser.
Step 1: Login your WordPress Dashboard --> Navigate to
Plugins--> Add News.
Step 2: In the search field type “WooCommerce” and
click “Search Plugins”
Step 3: The first plugin listed should be “WooCommerce-excelling
eCommerce” by WooThemes. Click the “Install Now” link.
o Install may take several minutes depending on your server speed and available memory.
Step 4: Once activated, you will see a notice across the top of your admin area with a
purple button to Install WooCommerce pages automatically.
o If you have already imported our demo content that includes eCommerce content,
click “Skip this step”
o If you have not loaded any demo content, click “Install WooCommerce
Step 5: All done, you will have WooCommerce plugin on your site.
Manual Installation
The manual installation involves downloading the plugin and uploading it to your webserver via your favorite
FTP application.
Step 1: Download the plugin to your computer and unzip it
Step 2: Download the plugin to your computer and unzip it.
Using an FTP program, or your hosting control panel, upload the unzipped plugin folder to your WordPress
installation’s wp-content/plugins/ directory.
Step 3: Activate the plugin from the Plugins menu within the WordPress admin.
Step 4: Once activated, you will see a notice across the top of your admin area with a
purple button to Install WooCommerce pages automatically.
o If you have already imported our demo content that includes eCommerce content,
click “Skip this step”
o If you have not loaded any demo content, click “Install WooCommerce
Step 5: All done, you will have WooCommerce plugin on your site.
Create A New Product
WooCommerce supports 5 type of products. Please go to this link learn more about
how to create a product of WooCommerce plugin.
WooCommerce Configuration
Please go to WooCommerce --> Settings to see all configurations of this
Create New Testimonial
Step 1: From admin panel, navigate to Testimonial-->Add New to add new testimonial
Step 2: Enter title and description for testimonial
Step 3: Choose Testimonial Categories of new testimonial on the right side.
Step4: Scroll down your mouse you will see Testimonial options, please fill out
information for Testimonial options.
Step 5: All done, click Publish to save your information.
Testimonial Setting
Your Image: Select avatar or thumbnail image of customers.
Your Name: Enter customer name here.
Your Position: Enter customer position here.
Team Member
Create New Team Member
Step 1: From admin panel, navigate to Team Member --> Add
New to add new team member
Step 2: Fill out all information of Team Member Information, Media Data: Social
and Specialty for your Team Member.
Step 3: All done, click “Publish” to save the
Team Member Setting
Team Member Information: Enter all information of Team Member as Image, name, position,
phone, email and experience.
Media Data: Social: Enter your link social here. Leave blank if you don’t show
Social for your Team Member.
Specialty: Enter the description for your Team member specialty.
Certificates: Enter the description for your Team member certificates.
Yolo Instagram
Use this shortcode to display Image Gallery from your Instagram. It can be displayed on Homepage.
Detail option:
Instagram Username: Enter your Instagram Username. This action will help to get image
from your Account Instagram to your website.
Number of Images to Show: Enter the number of images which will be displayed on one
Total Images: The number of all images which will be displayed on page.
Check for new images on every (hours): The number of images which will be replaced on
every (hours).
Randomize Image: Check this option to get a random image from Instagram.
Class: Enter a unique class name if needed.
Yolo Title
This shortcode will show title following by other styles.
Detail option:
Position Style: It can be Left and Center, you can choose a suitable style for your
Title: Enter title here.
Sub Title: Enter Sub Title here.
Yolo Service
Use this shortcode to show services on your site.
Detail option:
Title: Enter the name of your service
Sub Title: Enter the sub-Title same as the short description of the service.
Choose Icon: Select one icon which is appropriate for your site.
Yolo Call To Action
Use this shortcode to show “Call To Action” section on the homepage.
Detail option:
Left Heading: Enter the text on the left side.
Right Heading: Enter the text on the right side.
Action Image: Select one small image/ icon for Center position.
Image Link: Enter the link here.
Yolo Clients
Use this shortcode to show all client icons on home page.
Style: There are two styles including Slider and Default.
Status Button: Choose Show the Status Button if you want to display Next/Preview
Upload Images: Choose a few small images from Media Library or your computer.
Custom Links: Enter the links for each Client.
Custom link target: Select to open a Custom link on Same Window or New window.
Yolo Newsletter
This shortcode will help to build subscribe form on home page.
Detail option:
Title: Enter title here
Subscribe text: Enter the subscribe text as the short description of this form.
Subscribe Mail List: mc_list_id is the default of this option.
Yolo WooCommerce
Use this shortcode to show product sliders on the front page.
Detail option:
Choose Data: Select products which will be displayed on your page. You can choose
Recent Products, Featured Products, Best Seller Products or Sale Products.
Order By: This option will help you arrange your product following different order
criteria including Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet and Title Reversed Alphabet.
Products per page: This option allows you to select how many products to show on one
Product per row: This option allows you to select how many products to show on a row.
Slider options
Show pagination: You can Show/Hide pagination of a slider.
Auto Play: Choose “Yes” if you want to play your slider
Yolo Image
Use this shortcode to show featured image of your shop on homepage.
Detail option:
Title: Enter title here.
Button Text: Enter button name on this text box.
Background Image: Select one page to set a background image.
Button Link: Enter the link here.
Extra class: Enter your custom class for display image. We support two class for this option. You also input your class and css.
x2: Diplay image with height more x2
sidebar: Class for yolo image with position sidebar at home v7
Yolo Testimonial
This shortcode will help you to display testimonial items on your page.
Detail option:
Select Testimonials: Select testimonial items which will be displayed on your page.
Style: You can choose Full Width or Default style.
Auto Play: Choose “Yes” if you want to play your
testimonial automatically.
Yolo Product Lookbooks
This shortcode will help you to show your Yolo Product Lookbooks on a page.
Detail option:
Lookbooks: Select Lookbook items which will be displayed on your page.
Style Layout: There are two styles including Featured and Slide. You can choose a
suitable style for your page.
Show Description: Select to Show/Hide the description of Lookbooks.
Show Title: Select to Show/Hide the title of Lookbooks
Yolo Contact Form
Use this shortcode to build your contact form page.
Detail option:
Choose Style: Select Style Left or Style Center for your contact info.
Icon: Select one icon from Dropdown list icon.
Title: Enter title here.
Description: Enter the description for your contact info.
Yolo Featured Content
Use this shortcode to build the content on Parallax page.
Detail option:
Choose Style: Select a layout for your shortcode including Style Left, Style Right, and
Style Center.
Featured Image: Select one image to set your Featured Image on your page.
Title/ Subtitle: Enter title & sub-title.
Button Text: Enter a text to make Button Name.
Button Link: Enter the link for the button.
Yolo Team Member
Use this shortcode to show all Team Member on your page.
Detail option:
Categories: Select Team Member categories to display team member items on your page.
Order By: This option will help you arrange your product following different order
criteria including Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet and Title Reversed Alphabet.
Posts Per Page: This option allows you to select how many team member items to show on
one page.
Yolo About Us
This shortcode will help you to show some information on your site.
Detail option:
Title: Enter shortcode title here.
Description: Enter the description on the box.
Button Text: Enter a text to make Button Name.
Button Link: Enter the link for the button.
Yolo Post
Use this shortcode to build Blog page on your website.
Layout: This shortcode supports 6 layouts including Default List, Masonry, Medium,
Grid, and Timeline.
Pagination: Choose pagination type for your site including Page Number, Load More
Button, and Infinite Scrolling.
Posts per Page: This option allows you to select how many posts to show on one page.
Blog Categories: Select categories to display posts on your page.
Order By: This option will help you arrange your product following different order
criteria including Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet and Title Reversed Alphabet.
Hide Featured Image/ Author Meta/ Date Meta/ Category Meta/ Comment Meta/ Read More
link: Check this option if you want to show Author, date, category, comment or Read more
link of your post.
Excerpt length: The number of characters displayed on post-selection.
Heading/ Subheading: Enter your heading and sub-heading if you needed.
Yolo Featured Products
Use this shortcode to show product slider on the homepage.
Detail option:
Choose Featured Image Style: This option has 2 layout styles including Style Left and
Style Right.
Featured Image: Select one image from Media Library or your computer.
Featured Text: Enter text here.
Product options
Category: Select one category from drop-down categories list to show product items on
your front page.
Choose Data: You can choose products order by Recent Products, Featured Products,
Best-Selling Products and Sale Products.
Order By: This option will help you arrange your product following different order
criteria including Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet and Title Reversed
Product per page: This option allows you to select how many products to show on one
Slider Options
Show pagination: Select Show/Hide pagination of the slider.
Auto Play: Choose “Yes” if you want to play your slider
Yolo Recent News
Use this shortcode to show Recent Posts on your page.
Detail option:
Choose a style for the title: There are two styles which you can notice, including
Text on Image and Text in Image.
Categories: Select categories from drop-down list categories to display post
items on the frontend.
Columns: The columns attribute controls the width of columns should be displayed on
Recent News shortcode. You can change a number of columns from 1 to 4 columns.
Post Per page: This option allows you to select how many posts to show on one page.
Excerpt Length: The number of characters displayed on post-selection.
Class: Enter a unique class name.
Yolo Categories Product
Select products categories to display on front page.
This style is default style of the footer in WordPress theme. You can create a footer with widget and bottom
bar. Both of these areas can be configured in Customizer on Footer tab. You can add up to 4 columns into the
widget area and customize by adding widgets you want.
Add Footer Widgets
Step 1: From Admin panel, navigate to Customizer--> Footer,
set the footer column number from the dropdown list. A number of columns can be from 1 to 4. You also
can select None to leave it blank (no footer content).
Step 2: To add widgets into the footer, you can opt to add in Customizer
--> Widgets tab directly or come back to Admin panel -->Appearance
Step 3: In Customizer --> Widget,
you will see a number of Yolo – Footer column #i tab corresponding to a number of columns you
select in step 1. In each tab, hit “Add” a Widget button and choose Widget from widget list.
If you add a widget in Appearance Widgets, you will see Yolo – Footer Column #i widget section on the
right-hand side. Your widgets are located on the left-hand side. Simply drag and drop the widgets you want
from the left side into the sliding bar widget sections on the right side.
Step 4: Don’t forget to save changes after you customize any widget in footer.
Bottom Bar
The bottom bar can be customized from Customizer-->Footer tab. To have the bottom bar
with Copyright text and social icon like in our demo, add custom HTML into the Bottom Bar Content field
Canifa is a WMPL – compatible and multi- language ready theme. To translate this theme please follow
these steps:
Step 2: Open PoEdit and open the .po file of your preferred language in PoEdit and
search your line you want to change. To do this, select the Edit button--> Find
Step 3: In the Search Window, type the text string you are looking for. Once it is
selected, replace the text in the Translation text area in the lower part of the window with your
preferred translation.
Step 4: If you’d like to edit another text string, just repeat Steps 1 to 2.
Step 5: Click “Save” to save configuration. The .mo
file will be auto created.
Step 6: The final step, you need to rename of .mo file with Code
Name of your language. Please see the language code list HERE
For example for German – Deutsche
Step 7: Navigate to Settings--> General-->Site
Language to select your language.
Come together with Canifa, these plugins are recommended to install and activate for flexible use. Below are
the source for documentation and support of each plugins.