BeGreen WordPress Documentation
The Documentation
- Created: 01/09/2016
- Latest Update: 01/09/2016
- By: YoloTheme
BeGreen Instruction
Firstly, we would love to send our great thanks to you for purchasing BeGreen. This documentation covers almost everything to guide you step by step from the start to have your site on air. We encourage you to read thoroughly all sections before you go on.
WordPress Information
Before installing this theme, please make sure that you have a working WordPress version already installed. For further guides to install WordPress, please find in below useful links:
- WordPress Codex: General info about WordPress and how to install your server.
- Instructional Video How to create video by Woo Themes
- First Steps With WordPress: Multiple topics about WordPress.
- FAQ New To WordPress:Popular FAQs about WordPress.
Download Theme Package
When our theme is purchased successfully from ThemeForest, you will need to download theme package to use. To download the package, please login to your ThemeForest account, navigate to “Downloads”, click the “Download” button in the left side of the theme, choose “All files & documentation” to download our theme package to your computer. The theme package includes:
- Yolo_Theme: Includes and file that consists of everything you need to install the theme.
- Document Folder: Includes BeGreen Documentation file that helps you get to know about BeGreen and guides you to build your site with our theme.
- Release_logs file: Includes the licensing files of ThemeForest purchase.
- Demo Content Folder: Includes the .xml file and Revolution Slider sample data which you will need to import our demo data.
Requirements for BeGreen
To use BeGreen theme, you must be running WordPress 4.4 or higher, PHP 5.5 or higher, and MySQL 5.5 or higher. Follow the checklist below to ensure that your host can work well with BeGreen theme:
- Your web host has the minimum requirements to run WordPress.
- They are running on the latest version of WordPress.
- You can download the latest release of WordPress from official WordPress website.
- You do create best secure passwords for FTP and Database.
- upload_max_filesize = 256M
- post_max_size = 256M
- max_execution_time = 3000
Recommend PHP Configuration Limits
When you are installing BeGreen theme, you can meet many issues such as: demo content fails when you are importing and other issues. They are related PHP Configuration limits. The best solution is that you need to increase the PHP limits. You can do this on your own or contact your hosting provider learn more about this:
Video Tutorial
Install BeGreen Theme & Import Sample Data
There are two ways to install theme. It belongs to the way you choose your preference.
Install Theme via WordPress
- Step 1: Login to your WordPress Admin Panel, navigate to Appearance > Themes
- Step 2: Click Install Themes on the top > hit Upload button.
- Step 3: Find file on your computer and click Install Now”.
- Step 4: Once uploaded, activate the theme. Go to Appearance > Themes and activate it.
- Step 5: Then you will see a notification message to activate the required & recommended plugins: Contact Form 7, Revolution Slider, WPBakery Visual Composer, etc. Follow the steps to install and activate each plugin.
Note: If you see this message “Are You Sure You Want To Do This” when installing file via WordPress, it means that you have an upload max file size limit. Please try to read this blog to find a solution for your website.
Install Theme via FTP
- Step 1: Login to your hosting space via an FTP software.
- Step 2: Unzip the file and ONLY use the extracted yolo-begreen theme folder.
- Step 3: Upload the extracted BeGreen Theme folder into wp-content/ themes folder.
- Step 4: Activate the newly installed theme by going to Appearance > Themes and clicking the Activate button.
- Step 5: Then you will see a notification message to activate the required & recommended plugins Contact Form 7, Revolution Slider, WPBakery Visual Compose, etc. Follow the steps to install and activate each plugin.
Follow this video tutorial on how to install BeGreen theme & plugins
Plugin Installation
Here is the list of plugins that will come together with our theme when it is activated. It is recommended to install and activate these plugins based on your own need:
- Contact Form 7: BeGreen is fully compatible with Contact Form 7, the free form plugin is recommended to create a nice form for your site.
- Redux Framework: Redux is a simple, truly extensible options framework for WordPress themes& plugins.
- Visual Composer: The popular drag and drop page builder with an intuitive interface to build your content at ease.
- Revolution Slider: Create a responsive or Full-width slider with must-see-effects.
- WP Instagram Widget: A WordPress widget for showing your latest Instagram photos.
- WooCommerce: An e-commerce toolkit that helps you sell anything. Beautifully.
- YITH WooCommerce Compare: YITH WooCommerce allows you to compare more products with WooCommerce plugin, through product attributes.
- YITH WooCommerce Wishlist: YITH WooCommerce Wishlist allows you to add Wishlist functionality to your e-commerce.
- Yolo BeGreen Framework: The Yolo BeGreen Framework plugin.
- YWP Modal Login: A highly configurable and versatile modal (pop-up) login form..
Import Demo Content
The easiest way to import our demo content is to use our Demo Content Importer. Our importer will give you all pages and posts, several sample sliders, widgets, and more.
Import the content file (.XML)
Directly import the content file .xml downloaded from the package:
- Step 1: Go to Dashboard > Tools > Import.
- Step 2: Find WordPress > Click Install Now Run Importer button to select file from your computer (all sample sliders are contained in demo_content file downloaded from ThemeForest market.)
- Step 3: Click Choose File to upload (.xml) file.
Import Slider
All our sliders should imported before importing Sample Demo Data, please follow these steps:
- Step 1: Go to Dashboard > Revolution Slider > Click > Import Slider.
- Step 2: There is one pop-up appearing > Click Choose File button to select file from your computer (all sample sliders are contained in demo_content file downloaded from ThemeForest market.)
- Step 3: Click Import Slider to import a slider on your site.
Auto Import
- Step 1: Make sure that you have installed and activated our theme & all plugins before importing.
- Step 2: Navigate to BeGreen > Dashboard > Click Install Demo to import all sample data of BeGreen theme. You absolutely select the elements you want to import by checking on Import Post, Import Nav Menu or Import Content.
- Step 3: It can take a few minutes to import everything. Please be patient and wait to complete. Once it loads, you will see a Success message below the tabs.
- Step 4: All are done, you will have a website like our demo site.
Follow this video tutorial to import sample data of BeGreen theme
Update Theme
Auto Update
Please follow these steps to update this theme automatically:
- Step 1: Go to Dashboard > Updates . You will see the update version list.
- Step 2: Check the update list and select the latest version.
- Step 3: Click Update Themes button. Done!
Manual Update
You can also update the new version in traditional way:
- Step 1: Backup all custom files (files which you have edited some code). Or you can use Child Theme to save all custom files
- Step 2: Deactivate current theme by going to Appearance > Themes and activate any other themes such as the Default WordPress 4.x Twenty Fourteen.
- Step 3: Update and re-install new version.
Basic Setting
If you’re new to WordPress, you’ll probably see that your site after importing data is completely different from our demo
It’s because some basic settings are needed on WordPress site. If you know where the issue is and how to fix it, please skip this section.
Setup Home Page & Blog Page
To assign Homepage and Blog page, please follow these steps:
- Step 1: Navigate to Settings > Reading
- Step 2: Select Front page displays: A static page, then choose Front page and Posts page from dropdown list
- Step 3: In addition, you can choose the number of posts on Blog pages show at most option.
- Step 4: Click Save to save configuration.
Assign Menu
Please go to Appearance > Menus, then find Menu Settings > Display Location at the bottom.
Check the Primary Menu, then save it. This action will assign the menu “Main Menu” to the location Primary (the main menu) on our theme.
You can see more details at:
Change Permalink
Please go to Permalinks setting: Settings >Permalinks, then change the Common settings to Post name.
You can see more details at: After these steps are done, your site will look like our demo, you can move on to process to build your content.
Based on Redux Framework, BeGreen provides Theme Options helping users easily to control WordPress theme. There are many options in Theme Options, each option has a mission to make your website nicer and more eye-catching. You absolutely go to BeGreen> Theme Options to see all options. And do not forget to follow this section to see description of each option in Theme Options.
General Setting
General Setting section allows you to configure general pages such as select page preloader or configure enhancement or 404 page.
General Setting
- Page Preloader: Select Page Preloader from drop down list for your website. Leave empty if you don't want to use. When selecting one page preloader type, you need to select Preloader background color and Preloader spinner color for your website.
- Preloader background color: Set Preload background color from color table.
- Preloader spinner color: Pick a preloader spinner color for the Top Bar.
- Enable RTL mode: Turn On/Off Enable/ Disable RTL mode.
- Smooth Scroll: Turn On/Off smooth scroll.
- Back To Top: Turn On/Offback to top button.
- Layout Style: Select layout style for your website including Boxed, Wide and Float style. If selecting Boxed style, you need to configure Site Width(%), Site Max Width(px), Body Background Mode and Body Background for your website.
- Google API Key: Set Set google API Key for Map.
404 Setting
404 section allows to configure 404 page by adding title, background image for 404 page.
- Page Title 404: Enter the page title for 404 page.
- SubPage Title 404: Enter sub page title for 404 page.
- Background 404 page: Upload your background image for 404 page.
- 404 Heading : Enter 404 heading.
- Go back label: Enter the name of button to go back page you want.
- Go back link: Enter the link URL which will be redirected if user click "go back label".
Pages Setting
Page Setting section will help you to configure main page on your WordPress site. There are 3 sections you need to configure on Page Setting including Archive page, Search Page and Single Blog section.
Pages Setting
Pages Setting
- Layout: Select page layout for your page including FullWidth, Container and Container Fluid.
- Page Background Color: Select background color for your page by choosing color from color table.
- Sidebar: Select sidebar style for your page including Left, Right, No-Sidebar, Left and Right sidebar.
Pages Title Setting
- Show Page Title: Turn On/Off page title.
- Page Title Layout: Select page title layout for your page. There are 3 layout styles: FullWidth, Container and Container Fluid.
- Page Title Margin: Enter margin-top and margin-bottom for your page title.
- Page Title Text Align: Set Page Title Text Align including Left, Center and Right.
- Page Title Parallax: Turn On/Off page title parallax for your page.
- Page Title Height: Enter the number of height for your page title.
- Page Title Background: Select a background image for page title section.
- Breadcrumbs: Turn On/Off breadcrumbs here.
- Page Comment: STurn On/Off page comment here.
Archive Page
Archive page section provides many options which will help you configure archive page for your WordPress Website.
Archive Page
- Layout: Select page layout for your archive page including FullWidth, Container and Container Fluid.
- Sidebar: Select sidebar style for archive page including Left, Right, No-Sidebar, Left and Right sidebar.
- Sidebar Width: Select the width of sidebar for archive page. You can choose Small(1/4) or Large(1/3) for your archive page.
- Right Sidebar: Choose the default of left (right) sidebar from drop down sidebar list.
- Paging Style: Select archive paging style including Default, Load More and Infinity Scroll style.
- Paging Align: Select archive paging align including Left, Center and Right style.
- Archive Display Type: Choose Archive Display Type for your archive page including Large Image, Medium Image, Grid and Masonry.
Archive Title Setting
- Show Archive Title: Turn On/Off archive title.
- Archive Title Layout: Select page title layout for archive page. There are 3 layout styles: FullWidth, Container and Container Fluid.
- Archive Title Margin: Enter margin-top and margin-bottom for archive page.
- Archive Title Text Align: Set Archive Title Text Align including Left,Center and Right.
- Archive Title Parallax: Turn On/Off page title parallax for archive page.
- Archive Title Height: Enter the number of height for archive page title.
- Archive Title Background: Select a background image for archive title section.
- Breadcrumbs: Turn On/Off breadcrumbs here.
Search Page
Search Page section allows you to configure all options of Search Page.
- Layout: Select page layout for search page including FullWidth, Container and Container Fluid.
- Sidebar: Select sidebar style for search page including Left, Right, No-Sidebar, Left and Right sidebar.
- Sidebar Width: Select the width of sidebar for search page. You can choose Small(1/4) or Large(1/3) for your search page.
- Right Sidebar: Choose the default of right sidebar from drop down sidebar list.
- Paging Style: Select search paging style including Default, Load More and Infinity Scroll style.
- Paging Align: Select search paging align including Left, Center and Right style.
Single Blog
Single Blog section allows you to configure single blog page. For example: layout, sidebar, etc.
Single Blog
- Layout: Select page layout for single blog including FullWidth, Container and Container Fluid.
- Sidebar: Select sidebar style for single blog page including Left, Right, No-Sidebar, Left and Right sidebar.
- Sidebar Width: Select the width of sidebar for single blog page. You can choose Small(1/4) or Large(1/3) for your single blog page.
- Right Sidebar: Choose the default of right sidebar from drop down sidebar list.
- Show Post Navigation: Turn On/Off post navigation for your single blog post.
- Show Author Info: Turn On/Off author for single blog page.
Single Blog Title Setting
- Show Single Blog Title: Turn On/Off single blog title.
- Single Blog Title Layout: Select single blog title title layout for single blog page. There are 3 layout styles: FullWidth, Container and Container Fluid.
- Single Blog Title Margin: Enter margin-top and margin-bottom for single blog title.
- Single Blog Title Text Align: Set Single Blog Title Align including Left,Center and Right.
- Single Blog Title Parallax: Turn On/Off page title parallax for single blog title.
- Single Blog Title Height: Enter the number of height for single blog title.
- Breadcrumbs: Turn On/Off breadcrumbs for single blog page.
Logo & Favico
In this section, you can upload your logo, sticky logo and custom favico for your WordPress website.
- Logo: Upload your logo from your computer or select on Media Library.
- Logo Max Height: You can set max-height for logo here.
- Logo Top/Bottom Padding: Enter the number of padding-top and padding-bottom for your logo.
- Sticky Logo: Upload sticky logo on this option.
- Custom Favico: Upload custom favico for your website.
There are many options on Header section helping you to configure Header for your WordPress website. Follow these descriptions to learn more about them:
- Show/Hide Top bar:Turn On/Off Top bar for Header.
- Top bar layout width: Select top bar layout width. If you choose FullWidth style, you need to configure to bar padding-left/right(px).
- Top bar Layout: Select the top bar column layout.
- Top Left Sidebar: Choose the default top left sidebar.
- Top Right Sidebar: Choose the default top right sidebar.
- Top Center Sidebar:Choose the default top center sidebar.
- Header Layout: Select a header layout option from the examples.
Header Schema
- Header Scheme: Select header scheme for your website including Default or Customize. If you choose Customize, you need to configure header background, header background color opacity, header border color and header text color for your header.
Header Navigation
- Header navigation scheme: Select header scheme for your website including Default or Customize. If choosing Customize, you need to configure Header navigation background color and Header navigation text color for your website.
- Header navigation Layout: Select layout style for Header navigation including Container and FullWidth. If FullWidth is selected, you need to configure padding-left/right for your header navigation.
- Header navigation hover: You can choose Primary Color or Base Primary Color for header navigation
- Header navigation distance: You can set the distance between navigation items. Leave blank for default.
- Header Float: Turn On/Off header float.
- Show/Hide Header Sticky: Turn On/Off header sticky for your header.
- Header Sticky Scheme: Select header sticky scheme for your header including Inherit, Gray, Light, Dark.
- Search Box Style: Select Search Box style including Standard and Ajax Search.
- Post type for Ajax Search: Select post type for ajax search.
- Amount of Seach Result: Set number of items for Search Result.
Header Customize
Header Customize section will help you to configure megamenu, select search button style, shopping cart style, etc.
- Mega menu Animation: Select animation for mega menu from drop down list.
- Add register/login popup link to menu: Select menu to add register/login popup link.
Header Customize Navigation
- Header Customize Navigation: Organize how you want the layout to appear on the header navigation.
- Search Button Style: Select style for search button including Default, Round and Bordered.
- Shopping cart Style: Select style for shopping cart including Default, Round and Bordered.
- Custom Social Profiles: Select custom social profile for custom text.
- Custom Text Content: Add content for custom text. You can use HTML code on this option.
- Header Customize Separate: Turn On/Off Header Customize Separate
Header Customize Left
- Header Customize Left: Organize how you want the layout to appear on the header left.
- Search Button Style: Select style for search button including Default, Round and Bordered.
- Shopping cart Style: Select style for shopping cart including Default, Round and Bordered.
- Custom Social Profiles: Select custom social profile for custom text.
- Custom Text Content: Add content for custom text. You can use HTML code on this option.
- Header Customize Separate: Turn On/Off Header Customize Separate
Header Customize Right
- Header Customize Left: Organize how you want the layout to appear on the header left.
- Search Button Style: Select style for search button including Default, Round and Bordered.
- Shopping cart Style: Select style for shopping cart including Default, Round and Bordered.
- Custom Social Profiles: Select custom social profile for custom text.
- Custom Text Content: Add content for custom text. You can use HTML code on this option.
- Header Customize Separate: Turn On/Off Header Customize Separate.
Mobile Header
- Header Layout: Select header mobile layout for your website.
- Menu Drop Type:Select menu drop type for your website including Dropdown Menu and Fly Menu.
- Mobile Logo: Upload a small logo which will be displayed on mobile device.
- Logo Height: Enter the height for logo here.
- Logo Mobile Max Height: Enter the number of max-height for your mobile logo.
- Logo Top/Bottom Padding: Enter Logo Top/Bottom padding for mobile logo.
- Top Bar: Turn On/Offf top bar.
- Sticky Mobile Header: Turn On/Offf sticky mobile menu.
- Search Box: Turn On/Offf search box for menu.
- Shopping cart: Turn On/Offf shopping cart for menu.
In this section, you can select Footer Block for your main page..
Styling Option
Styling option allows you to configure Primary color, text color, submenu color and page title color for your website.
- Primary Color: Select Primary color from color table.
- Secondary Color: Select Secondary color from color table.
- Text Color: Select text color from color table.
- Heading Color: Select heading color from color table.
- Link Color: Select Heading color from color table.
- Top bar background Color: Select top bar background color from color table.
- Top bar text Color: Select top bar text color from color table.
Sub-menu Scheme
- Sub Menu Scheme: Select Submenu scheme for your website including Default or Customize.
- Sub Menu Background Color: Select Secondary color from color table.
- Sub Menu Text Color: Select submenu text color from table color.
Page Title Background Color
- Page Title Background Color: Select page title background color from table color.
- Page Title Background Overlay Color: Select page title background overlay color from color table.
- Page Title Background Overlay opacity: Set opacity level for page title background .
In this section, you can select Fonts for body, menu, page title, page sub title from dropdown list font.
Social Profile
Social Profile section allows you to turn on social media and add the link your account to your website.
Promo Popup
Promo Popup allows you to create a Newsletter form which will be displayed when visitors begin getting access to your website
- Show Popup: Turn On/Off popup.
- Popup Width: You can set the width of popup.
- Popup Height: You can set the height of popup.
- Popup Effect: Choose popup effect for popup.
- Popup Delay: Set the delay of popup(caculate by miliseconds).
- Popup Content: Enter the content for popup.
- Popup Background: Select background image for popup.
WooCommerce section provides many options helping you to configure shop page, archive product page and single product page.
- Show Rating: Turn On/Off rating for product page.
- Sale Badge Mode: Select Sale Badge Mode tyle including Text and Percent.
- Button Tooltip: Turn On/Off button tooltip.
- Quick View Button: Turn On/Off quick view button for product.
- Add to cart button: Turn On/Off add to cart button for product.
- Add to Wishlist Button: Turn On/Off add to wishlist button.
- Add to Compare Button: Turn On/Off add to compare button.
Archive Product
- Show Page Shop Content: Enable/ Disable Shop Page Content.
- Product Per Page: Select product per page for archive page.
- Product Display Columns: Choose the number of columns to display on shop/categories pages.
Layout Options
- Archive Page Product layout: Select Archive page layout including FullWidth, Container and Container Fluid.
- Shop page Style: Choose style for archive page. If you choose Ajax Filter style you need to Turn On/Off categories, filters, search and Ajax filter for archive page.
- Ajax filter: Use Ajax to filter shop content (Ajax allows new content without reloading the whole page).
- Select Product Style
- Show Categories: Show/Hide categories.
- Show Filters: Show/Hide filters.
- Show Search: Show/Hide search.
Page Title Options
- Show Archive Title: Turn On/Off archive title for archive page
- Archive Product Title Layout: Choose layout style for archive product.
- Archive Product Title Margin: Enter the number of margin-top and margin-bottom for archive product title.
- Archive Product Title Align: Set Archive Product Title Align including Left, Center and Right.
- Archive Product Title Parallax: Turn On/Offarchive product title parallax.
- Archive Product Title Height: Enter the number of archive product title height here.
- Archive Product Title Background: Upload a background image for archive product title.
- Breadcrumbs in Archive Product: Turn On/Off breadcrumbs in archive product.
Single Product
- Show Image Thumb: Turn On/Off Image Thumb product.
Layout Options
- Single Product layout: Select Single product layout including FullWidth, Container and Container Fluid.
- Single Product Sidebar: Set single product sidebar for single product page.
- Single Product Sidebar Width: Set Product Sidebar width for single product sidebar.
- Single Product Left Sidebar: Choose the default single product left sidebar..
Page Title Options
- Show Single Title: Turn On/Off single title for single product page.
- Single Product title Layout: Select single product title layout including Full Width, Container and Container Fluid.
- Single Product Title Margin: Enter the number of margin-top and margin-bottom for single product title.
- Single Product Title Text Align: Set Single Product Title Align including Left, Center and Right.
- Single Product Title Parallax: Turn On/Offsingle product title parallax.
- Single Product Title Height: Enter the number of single product title height here.
- Single Product Title Background: Upload a background image for single product title.
- Breadcrumbs in Single Product: Turn On/Off breadcrumbs in single product.
Product Related Options
- Related Product Total Record: Enter the number of related product for your single product page.
- Related Product Display Columns: Choose the number of columns to display on related product.
- Related Product Condition: Check to enable related product condition.
Portfolio section wil help you to configure options of portfolio page.
- Disable link to detail: Turn On/Off link to detail.
Portfolio Page Title Options
- Show Portfolio Title: Enable/Disable portfolio title.
- Portfolio Title Layout: Choose portfolio title layout including Full Width, Container and Container Fluid.
- Portfolio Title Margin: Enter number of .
- Portfolio Title Text Align: Set Portfolio Title Margin..
- Portfolio Title Parallax: Enable Portfolio Title Parallax.
- Portfolio Title Height: You can set a height for the portfolio tile here.
- Portfolio Title Background: Upload portfolio title background.
- Breadcrumbs in Portfolio: Enable/Disable Breadcrumbs in Portfolio.
Portfolio Single Settings
- Single Portfolio Layout: Select Single Portfolio layout.
- Show/Hide Related: Show/Hide related in single portfolio.
- Select portfolio related style: Select portfolio related style from drop down styles .
- Portfolio Related Column:Select Portfolio Related Column.
- Portfolio Related Orverlay Style: Select Portfolio Related Overlay style. Only apply for Portfolio related style is grid.
- Select portfolio related hover effect: Select portfolio related hover effect.
- Portfolio social profiles: Select social profile for portfolio single.
- Portfolio Post Meta: Show or hide post meta(Sections, Date, Category, Tags, Follow Us) in single portfolio.
Custom CSS & Script
In this section, you absolutely add your Custom CSS and Custom JS segments for your website.
Import /Export
In this section, you can import or export date from your website.
Add Header To Page
There are two ways which you can use to add header style to page:
- 1 - If you want to add a header style to all pages of your website: Please go to BeGreen > Theme Options > Header > Header Layout > Select a header style layout from all header styles. This header style will be displayed on all pages.
- 2- If you want to add a header style to a separate page on your website: Please go to your page > Open page > Scroll down you will see Page Options > Page Header > Header Customize On/Off: On > Header Layout > Select a header style layout from all header styles. This header style will be displayed a separate page.
- NOTE: After a header style is selected, navigate to Header Customize/Page Header Customize turn on Search button, Shopping cart or Social icon, etc for Header Left Side and Header Right Side as you want.
Header Styles
BeGreen supports 7 header style layouts. Follow these images below learn more about them:
- Header Layout Style 1:
- Header Layout Style 2:
- Header Layout Style 3:
- Header Layout Style 4:
- Header Layout Style 5:
- Header Layout Style 6:
- Header Layout Style 7:
Header Style of Each Homepage
In this section, we will guide you how to build Header Style for each Homepage of BeGreen. Follow these steps below learn more for details:
Main Home
- Step 1: Navigate to Page > Create a new page > Scroll dow you will see Page Options > Page Header > Choose page header style as this image:
- Step 2: In Page Header Customize section > Header Custom Navigation > Social Profile: On. In addition, don't forget to choose Custom Social Profiles option to display socials on header style.
- Step 3: In Page Header Customize section > Header Customize Right > Turn on Custom Text, Shopping Cart With Price option.
Enter this Custom HTML to Custom text content right option to display Custom Text on header style:
Planter Home Shop
- Step 1: Navigate to Page > Create a new page > Scroll dow you will see Page Options > Page Header > Choose page header style as this image:
- Step 2: In Page Header Customize section > Header Customize Right > Turn on Search Box With Shop Category, Custom Text, Shopping Cart With Price option.
Enter this Custom HTML to Custom text content right option to display Custom Text on header style:
Green Shop Home
- Step 1: Navigate to Page > Create a new page > Scroll dow you will see Page Options > Page Header > Choose page header style as this image:
- Step 2: In Page Header Customize section > Header Custom Navigation > Search Box: On and Canvas Menu: On.
- Step 3: In Page Header Customize section > Header Customize Right > Turn on Custom Text, Shopping Cart option.
Enter this Custom HTML to Custom text content right option to display Custom Text on header style:
Tree Shop Home
- Step 1: Navigate to Page > Create a new page > Scroll dow you will see Page Options > Page Header > Choose page header style as this image:
- Step 2: In Page Header Customize section > Header Customize Right > Turn on Social Profile and Search Box.. Don't forget to choose socials on Custom social profiles right
Business Home
- Step 1: Navigate to Page > Create a new page > Scroll dow you will see Page Options > Page Header > Choose page header style as this image:
- Step 2: In Page Header Customize section > Header Custom Navigation > Custom Text: On .
Enter this Custom HTML to Custom text content right option to display BOOK A SERVICE button on header style:
- Step 3: In Page Header Customize section > Header Customize Right > Turn on Custom Text option.
Enter this Custom HTML to Custom text content right option to display Custom Text on header style:
Service Home
- Step 1: Navigate to Page > Create a new page > Scroll dow you will see Page Options > Page Header > Choose page header style as this image:
- Step 3: In Page Header Customize section > Header Customize Right > Canvas Menu: On
Creative Agency Home
- Step 1: Navigate to Page > Create a new page > Scroll dow you will see Page Options > Page Header > Choose page header style as this image:
- Step 2: In Page Header Customize section > Header Custom Navigation > Custom Text: On.
Enter this Custom HTML to Custom text content right option to display Book A Service button on header style:
- Step 3: In Page Header Customize section > Header Customize Left > Search Box: On.
- Step 4: In Page Header Customize section > Header Customize Right > Custom Text: On.
Enter this Custom HTML to Custom text content right option to display Custom Text on header style:
Planter Agency Home
- Step 1: Navigate to Page > Create a new page > Scroll dow you will see Page Options > Page Header > Choose page header style as this image:
- Step 2: In Page Header Customize section > Header Custom Navigation > Canvas Menu: On.
- Step 3: In Page Header Customize section > Header Customize Right > Custom Text: On.
Enter this Custom HTML to Custom text content right option to display BOOK A SERVICE on header style:
Personal Artist Home
- Step 1: Navigate to Page > Create a new page > Scroll dow you will see Page Options > Page Header > Choose page header style as this image:
- Step 2: In Page Header Customize section > Header Custom Navigation > Social Profile: On and Canvas Menu: On. Don't forget to choose socials profile on Custom Social profilesoption
Split Screen Home
- Step 1: Navigate to Page > Create a new page > Scroll dow you will see Page Options > Page Header > Choose page header style as this image:
- Step 2: In Page Header Customize section > Header Custom Navigation > Shopping Cart:On, Search Button:On and Canvas Menu:On.
Follow this video tutorial learn more about how to configure Header Style layout of BeGreen
Create New Page
- Step 1:From Admin Panel, navigate to Pages > Add New to create a new page.
- Step 2: Enter the title, slug and content for your page.You can choose to add your content using Visual Composer shortcode or Text editor.
- Step 3: In Page Attributes box, choose Page Template in dropdown list. See the list of Page Templates below for more details.
- Step 4: After your content is added successfully, scroll down your mouse, you will see Page Options. You can configure each tab on Page Options making your page nicer and more eye-catching.
- Step 5: All are done, click Publish to save your configuration.
Page Options
We have created some specific BeGreen page settings which will help you to build splendid pages for your website. Follow the list of options below to see how they work:
Page Layout
- Layout Style: Choose layout style for your page including Default, Boxed, Wide and Float. If choose Default, your page will get the configuration on Theme Options.
- Page Layout: Choose page layout (this section doesn't include header) including Default, Full Width, Container and Container Fluid.
- Page background color: Set background color for your page from color table.
- Page Sidebar: Choose sidebar position for page.
- Left Sidebar:Choose left sidebar for page. This option will appear if you select Page Sidebar: Left Sidebar or Page Sidebar: Left & Right Sidebar.
- Right Sidebar: Choose right sidebar for page. This option will appear if you select Page Sidebar: Right Sidebar or Page Sidebar: Left & Right Sidebar.
- Sidebar Width: Choose the width of sidebar.
- Page Class Extra: Enter page class here.
Page Top
- Show/Hide Top Bar: Turn On/Off top bar for you page. If choose Default, the configuration of top bar will be inherited on Theme Options.
- Top bar layout width: Choose the width for your top bar including Default, Container and Full width. If choose Default, the configuration of top bar layout width will be inherited on Theme Options.
- Top Bar Layout: Choose top bar layout for your page.
- Top Left Sidebar: Select sidebar for Top Left Sidebar from dropdown list sidebar.
- Top Right Sidebar: Select sidebar for Top Right Sidebar from dropdown list sidebar.
Page Header
Page Header will allows turning On/Off Header for your page. In addition, you absolutely customize Header Customize option, if Header Customize option is turned on, you can configure many options for your page such as Header Layout, Header Scheme, Header sticky, etc.
Page Header Customize
- Set Header Customize Navigation: Turn On/Off Header Customize Navigation. If this option is turned on, you can absolutely configure header customize navigation as you want.
- Header Customize Navigation: Click to turn on element for header customize navigation. There are 9 elements you can choose. Drag to change element order.
- Search Button Style: You can choose Default to inherit configuration of Theme Options or choose Round or Bordered.
- Shopping cart Style: Choose Default, Round or Bordered.
- Custom Social profiles: Add your custom social profiles on this option.
- Custom text content: Enter Custom text here
- Header customize separate: Turn On/Off this option.
- Set Header Custom Left/Right: Like setting Header Custom Navigation option, you can absolutely turn on Header Custom Left/Right to configure options which are appropriate for your page.
- Custom Logo: Upload your custom logo on header of your page.
- Customize Logo Position: On/Off.
- Logo max height: Enter the logo max height for your page.
- Logo padding top/ padding bottom:Enter the logo padding-top and padding-bottom for your logo.
- Sticky Logo: Upload an image for sticky logo.
Menu section will help you to choose separated menu for page. You can select Page Menu and Page menu mobile.
Page Title
On this section, you can customize your page title with many options such as turn on/off page title, select color for page title or sub title from table color.
Page Footer
Page Footer allows you to select footer to override footer selected on Theme Options
Create New Post
Follow these steps below to create blog post:- Step 1: In your Admin Panel, go to Post and navigate to Add New.
- Step 2: Enter your title and choose Post Format from Format box on the right side which shows different post format options: Standard, Image, Gallery and Video.
- Step 3: Add your post content in editing field. You can use our shortcodes to build your content where needed. .
- Step 4: Add Categories for the post from the Categories box on the right side. You can add new category or choose from existing categories. Check the box to select Categories for your post. Add relevant Tags for your post in the Tags box, set Featured image on the right side and other settings from the sections below Editing field. If you need more detailed guides about post settings in WordPress, please find in WordPress Codex.
- Step 5: After your content is added, scroll down your mouse, you will see Page Options section allowing you to have more configurations for your post.
- Step 6: All are done, click Publish to publish your post.
Post Format
BeGreen supports 7 post formats. Follow these steps below to see the description of Post Formats and Global setting of Post.
- Standard Settings: This is the standard post, on this post format, you can choose Featured Image and set the content for it.
- Gallery Settings: When selecting Gallery Format, you will have Gallery Setting meta-box to add as many images as you want to your gallery and manage your preview content as Featured Image, First Image on Gallery or Image Slideshow.
- Image Settings: When you selecting Image Format for you post, you will have Image Settings a meta-box to choose a main image of the post. Set Feature Image as the main image for preview content or Choose Your Image if you want to set another image as the main image for preview content.
- Video Settings: When selecting Video Format, you will have Video Setting meta-box where you can add video URL, and embedded video code, aspect ratio, and preview content as Featured Image, Video or Featured Image as Video Thumbnail.
- Audio Settings: When selecting Audio Format, you will have Audio Setting meta-box where you can add embedded audio code, aspect ratio and preview content as Featured Image, Video or Featured Image as Video Thumbnail.
- Quote Settings: When selecting Quote Format, you will have Quote Setting meta-box where you can add the quote and citation and manage your preview content as Featured Image.
- Link Settings: When selecting Link Format, you will have Link Setting meta-box where you can add the URL, Text and manage your preview content as Featured Image.
Page Options
Like Page Options section of Page, you absolutely configure more options on Page Options of Post. To learn more about descriptions of each option, please visit Page section.
Team Member
Create New Team Member
- Step 1: From admin panel, navigate to Team Member > Add New to add new team member
- Step 2: In the right side, select Team Categories and Featured Image for team member.
- Step 3: Fill out all information of Team Member Information, Social Profiles, Specialty and Certificates for your Team Member.
- Step 4: All are done, click “Publish” to save the configuration.
Team Member Setting
- Team Member Information: Enter all information of Team Member as Image, name, position, phone, email and experience.
- Social Profiles Enter your link social here. Leave blank if you don’t show Social for your Team Member.
- Specialty: Enter the description for your Team member specialty.
- Certificates: Enter the description for your Team member certificates.
Footer Blocks
Footer Blocks custom post type will help you create particular footer style by using Visual Composer shortcode. On BeGreen, we provides 11 sample footer blocks. You can install our sample data to learn more about this.
Create New Footer Blocks
- Step 1: From Admin Panel, navigate to BeGreen > Footer Blocks > Add New
- Step 2: Add the content by using Visual Composer shortcode.
- Step 3: All are done, click Publish to save your configuration.
Create New Testimonial
- Step 1: From Admin Panel, navigate to Testimonials > Add New
- Step 2: Enter testimonial title and description.
- Step 3: Select testimonial categories and add Featured Image on the right side.
- Step 4: Scroll down, you will see Testimonial Information section. Enter testimonial information here.
- Step 5: All are done, click Publish to save your configuration.
Testimonial Settings
- Email Enter testimonial email
- Position: Enter testimonial position.
- URL:Enter testimonial URL here.
- Special: Enter testimonial special here.
- Rating: Choose rating for testimonial.
- Rating: Choose rating for testimonial.
- Background Image: Choose background image for testimonial.
Create New Portfolio
- Step 1: From Admin Panel, navigate to Portfolio > Add New
- Step 2: Enter portfolio title and description.
- Step 3: Select Media Type, Portfolio Categories, Portfolio Tags and Featured Image on the right side.
- Step 4: Scroll down, you will see Excerpt and Custom Field section. Enter excerpt and custom field here.
- Step 5: All are done, click Publish to save your configuration.
Portfolio Page
To set up a page as Portfolio page on our demo website to show all portfolios such as 2 columns, 3 columns, you can create a new page. Then, use Yolo Portfolio shortcode and configure option in this shortcode. This shortcode will help you to create Product list page.
When WooCommerce plugin is installed in your WordPress website successfully, you are able to create online shop or product list page. Below is the guide to create Product or shop page using WooCommerce.
Create New Product
To create a new product, please follow these steps:
- Step 1: Navigate to Products in your WordPress admin sidebar.
- Step 2: Click Add New to make a new product. Create a title, and insert your product content in the editing field. You can use any of our shortcode builder elements inside the product.
- Step 3: Add Categories from the right side. To assign it to the product, check the box next to the category name.
- Step 4: Add Tags from the right side. Type the name of the tag in the field
- Step 5: Select featured image for product by hitting button “Set featured images”. You can then select product images to add into Product Gallery
- Step 6: Scroll down your mouse, you will see Product Data option. Remember to choose Product Data: Simple product.
- Step 7: Once you have finished, click “Publish” to save your product.
Shop Page
To set up a page as Shop page to show all products, create a new page. From admin panel, navigate to Woo Commerce > Settings
In Products tab, navigate to Display sub-tab on the top, here you can find your page from dropdown list to set as Shop page.
Product List Page
To set up a page as Product List page to show all products such as product list 2 columns, 3 columns, you can create a new page. Then, use Yolo Product shortcode and configure options on this shortcode. This shortcode will help you to create Product list page.
Instead of writing lines of code to build elements, we built BeGreen with number of premade shortcodes that enable you to create many elements you see in our demo in fingertips.
By installing Visual Composer (the page builder plugin is integrated in the theme package), you will have the Visual Backend Editor where every shortcodes are displayed visually and easily generated with several clicks.
In addition to Default Visual Composer shortcodes, BeGreen comes with 19 specific shortcodes. To generate these shortcodes, go to Backend Editor, click the “+” icon to add shortcode.
Navigate to BeGreen Shortcodes to find a shortcode you want to use. You can add those shortcodes to any pages or posts for your own use.
Below are a list of 20 shortcodes and their artributes:
Yolo Single Product
Use this shortcode to show single product on front page.
Detailed option:
- Layout Style:- select - Choose layout style for single product shortcode including Style 1, Style 2, Style 3, Style 4.
- Action Button Tooltip: - yes/no - Turn On/Off action button tooltip for single product shortcode.
- Disable Action Button: - select - Choose action buttons which you don't want to display. Check Select All box to disable all action buttons.
- Background Product Style: - select - Choose background style for single product from drop down list styles.
- Select single product by search name: - select - Choose single product which will be displayed on single product shortcode.
- Choose Product Brand's Logo: - image - Choose product brand's logo for product. This option only display when selecting Layout Style: Style 4.
- Extra Class Name: - string - Enter the class name if you want to customize this shortcode.
- CSS Animation: - Select - Choose types of animation when viewing on browsers.
Yolo Product
Use this shorcode to display products as Grid or Masonry style. This shortcode is used on Product Grid, Product Columns page.
Detailed option:
- Products Style: - select - Choose layout style for products including: Grid, Masonry.
- Columns: - select - Choose the number of columns which product items will be displayed on Products page.
- Single Product Style: - select - Choose style for single product including Style 1, Style 2, Style 3.
- Action Button Tooltip: - yes/no - Turn On/Off action button tooltip.
- Disable Action Button: - select - Choose action buttons which you don't want to display. Check Select All box to disable all action buttons.
- Source: - select - You can choose products from categories or Product Items. Check Select All to select all categories and all Product Items.
- Filter Style: - select - Choose filter style for product page.
- Show/hide "All" in filter: - select - Turn On/Off filter style.
- Filter alignment: - select - Choose filter align ment including: Center, Left, Right
- Show/hide Sorting product: - Show/Hide - Show/Hide sorting product.
- Product Per Category: - number - The number of products will be displayed on product page.
- Products Ordering: - select - Choose product ordering for product page including Publish Date, Random, Alphabetic, Popularity, Rate and Price.
- Sorting: - select -Select how to sort products including Ascending or Descending
- Extra Class name: - string - Enter class name if you want to customize this shortcode.
- CSS Animation: - select - Select types of animation when viewing on browsers.
Yolo Product Slider
Use this shortcode to show product items as slider on your site.
Detailed option:
- Source: - select - Choose the source to display product items on Yolo Product Slider shortcode. You can choose product items from Categories or Product Items.
- Product Per Slide: - number - Select number of product per slider from drop down list.
- AutoPlay: - select - Turn On/Off auto play feature for product.
- Slide Duration: - number - Enter the time duration for your slider.
- Single Product Style: - select - Select product style from drop down list style.
- Action Button Tooltip: - Select - Select Yes/No to turn on/off Action Button Tooltip.
- Disable Action Button: - select - Choose action buttons which don't display on product.
- Number of Products: - number - Enter number of products for slider.
- Product Ordering: - select - Choose product ordering from drop down list product.
- Sorting: - select - Choose product sorting including Ascending and Descending..
- Extra class name: - string - Enter class name if you want to custom this product.
- CSS Animation: - select - Choose types of animation when viewing browsers.
Yolo Product List
Use this shortcode to show a list of products on your page.
Detailed option:
- Source: - select - Choose the source which product items will be displayed on Product List. If you choose Source: From Categories, you need to select categories from Select Category option. If choose Source:From Product Items, you need to enter your product IDs on Select Product option.
- Single Product Style: - select - Select single product style from drop down list style.
- Action Button Tooltip: - yes/no - Turn On/Off action button tooltip for product item.
- Disable Action Button: -select - Select action button which you want to disable on product item. Check Select All to disable all buttons.
- Pagination: - select - Choose types of pagination including Load More Button, Page Number and Infinite Scrolling.
- Pagination alignment: - select - Choose pagination alignment including Center, Left and Right.
- Products Per Page: -number - The number of products allowed, how many products to show on one page.
- Product Ordering: -select - Choose the order of product which will help you arrange your products following to different order criteria including Publish Date, Random, Alphabetic, Popularity, Rate and Price.
- Sorting: -select - Choose the sorting order for product list.
- Extra Class Name: -number - the number of products allowed, how many products to show on one page.
- CSS Animation: - select - Choose types of animation when viewing browsers.
Yolo Blog
Yolo Blog shortcode will help you to show the list of blog posts on your page.
- Blog Style: - select - Choose layout style for blog page including List (Lage Image),List(Medium Image), Grid and Masonry. If you choose Layout Style: Grid/ Masonry Columns, this option will appear. You can choose the number of columns for post.
- Narrow Category: - select - Select categories of post items displayed on blog page.
- Total items: - Enter the number of posts which will be displayed on blog page.
- Pagination Style :- Select - Choose pagination style including Show all (posts), Default, Load More and Infinity Scroll.
- Hide Author/Date/ Category/ Comment/ Read More: - check - Check yes to hide author, date, category, comment and read more of post.
- Excerpt Length: The number of characters displayed on post section.
- Extra class name:- string - Enter class name if you want to customize this shortcode.
- Order By:- select - You can arrange your posts following to different order criteria.
- Sorting:- select - Arrange your posts in ascending or descending order regarding to order criteria you set above.
- CSS Animation:- select - Select types of animation if you want to be animated when it enters into the browsers viewport.
Yolo Portfolio
Yolo Portfolio shortcode will help you to show product on Portfolio page.
- Thumbnail type: - select - Choose type of thumbnail from drop down list.
- Portfolio Title: - select - Select portfolio title style from drop down list to display portfolio title.
- Overlay Style: - select - Choose overlay style for portfolio.
- Overlay Effect:- Select - Choose overlay effect for portfolio
- Hover Dir Effect: - On/Off - Turn On/Off hover effect for portfolio.
- Columns: - select - Choose columns to display portfolio item on portfolio page.
- Source: - select - Choose portfolio source including Portfolio Category or Portfolio Item.
- Show Filter: - select - Choose portfolio filter.
- Filter By:- select - Choose filter by tags,categoy for portfolio.
- Show Paging: - select - Choose paging.
- Number of item: - number - The number of portfolio items will be displayed on portfolio page.
- Order Post Date By: - select - Choose ordering.
- Padding: - select - Choose padding from drop down list.
- Extra class name:- string - Enter class name if you want to customize this shortcode.
- CSS Animation:- select - Select types of animation if you want to be animated when it enters into the browsers viewport.
Yolo Testimonial
Use this shortcode to build testimonial on front page.
Detail option:
- Layout Style: - select - Choose layout style for testimonial.
- Source: - select - Choose source from testimonial categories or testimonial IDs.
- Order Post Date By: - select - Choose the sorting order including Descending or Ascending.
- Excerpt Length: - number - Enter excerpt length.
- Auto Play: - Yes/No - Turn On/Off auto play testimonial.
- Slide Durations: - number - Enter slide durations.
- Extra class name: - string - Enter class name to customize this shortcode.
- CSS Animation: - Yes/No - Select types of animation if you want this element to be animated when it enters into the browsers viewport.
Yolo Recent News
Use this shortcode to display recent posts on your page.
Detailed option:
- Choose Layout: - select - Select layout style for Yolo Recent News shortcode.
- Select Categories: - select - Select categories to display posts on your page.
- Number of Columns: - select - The column attribute controlling the width of columns should be displayed.
- AutoPlay: - select - Turn On/Off auto play.
- Slide Durations: - number - Enter slide durations.
- Posts Per Page: - number - Choose the number of posts that will be displayed per page.
- Excerpt Length: - number - The number of characters displayed on post description.
- Extra class name: - string - Enter extra class to customize this shortcode.
- CSS Animation: - select - Select types of animation if you want this element to be animated.
Yolo CountDown
Use this shortcode if you want to show count down on your website.
Detailed option:
- Select Datetime: - select - Select date time from the calender.
- Choose layout: - select - Select layout style for countdown including Circle Inline Style, Circle Responsive and Number.
- Extra class name: - string - Enter extra class to customize this shortcode.
- CSS Animation: - select - Select types of animation when viewing on browsers.
Yolo Banner
Use this shortcode to display banner on front page.
Detail option:
- Layout Style: - select - Select layout style for banner shortcode. There are 8 layout styles you can choose.
- Title - string - Enter the title for banner
- Title Style: - select - Select title style for banner including Top and Bottom.
- Link: - select - URL is redirected when visitors click the banner.
- Banner's Images: - select - Select banner's image for banner shortcode.
- Label: - string - Enter name of label.
- Title color: - select - Select title color.
- Extra Class Name: - string - Enter extra class to customize this shortcode.
- CSS Animation: - select - Select types of animation for this shortcode.
Yolo Client
Use this shortcode to show clients logo on front page
- Clients: Click "+" button to add clients, you need to add Name, Image and URL for client.
- AutoPlay: - Yes/No - Turn On/Off auto play slider on this shortcode.
- Slider Duration: - number - Enter duration for slider.
- Choose Layout: - select - Select layout styles for Yolo Client shortcode.
- Logo per slide: - number - The number of sliders displayed on slider.
- Extra class name: - string - Enter extra class if you want to customize this shortcode.
Yolo Icon Box
This shortcode will help you to show icon box on front page.
Detailed option:
- Layout Style - select - Select layout style for Yolo Icon Box including Style 1, Style 2, Style 3, Style 4.
- Icon Library: - select - Choose icon library from Font Awesome, Open Iconic, Typicons, Entypo and Linecons
- Icon: - select - Choose the icon from drop down list icons.
- Icon Color: - select - Select icon color from color table.
- Custom Icon Image: - image - Select icon image.
- Background Image: - image - Select background image.
- Title: - string - Enter title here.
- Link: - URL - Choose URL when visitors click icon.
- Description: - string - Enter description here.
- Extra Class Name: - string - Enter extra class to customize this shortcode.
Yolo Team Member
Use this shortcode to build team member on about us page.
Detailed option:
- Source: - select - Choose source from category or Member IDs to display team member on page.
- Style: - select - Choose hover style for team member item.
- Layout Style: - select - Choose layout style to display team member.
- Total Item: - number - The number of team members displayed on one slider.
- Column Display: - number - Choose number of columns which team member will display on shortcode.
- Order Post Date By: - number - Enter excerpt length.
- Auto Play: - Yes/No - Turn On/Off auto play team member.
- Slide Durations: - number - Enter slide durations.
- Extra class name: - string - Enter class name to customize this shortcode.
- CSS Animation: - Yes/No - Select types of animation if you want this element to be animated when it enters into the browsers viewport.
Yolo Google Maps
Use this shortcode to display google maps on front page.
Detailed option:
- Choose style layout: - select - Select style layout for map.
- Choose style map: - select - Select map style for map.
- Info window title: - string - Add info for title.
- Info window image: - image - Choose image
- Map height: - number - Enter the height of map.
- Latitude: - number - Get latitude from here:
- Longitude: -number- Get longtitude from here:
- Zoom: - number - Enter zoom here..
- Image to replace marker: - image - Select the image to replace the original map marker (optional)..
- Extra class name: - select - Select font family.
- CSS Animation: - select - Select types of animation if you want this element to be animated when it enters into the browsers viewport.
Yolo Video Player
Use this shortcode to show video player on front page.
Detailed option:
- Style: - select - Choose style layout from drop down list.
- Heading: - string - Enter heading here.
- Title Color: - color - Choose title color.
- Subheading: - string - Enter subheading here.
- Description Color: - color - Choose description color.
- Icon Color: - color - Choose icon color here.
- Video URL: - link - Enter video URL. You can choose Vimeo or Youtube video.
- Height: - number - Enter video height.
- Width: - number - Enter video width here.
- Background image: - image - Choose background image for shortcode..
- Extra class name: - select - Select font family.
Yolo Instagram
Use this shortcode to show instagram on front page.
Detailed option:
- Instagram Username: - string - Enter instagram username here.
- Layout Style: - select - You can choose intagram style grid or slider.
- Image Size: - select - Choose image size style from drop down list style.
- Total Images Display: - number - The number of image to display.
- Number of Column Images: - number - Enter number of column to display image.
- Check for new images on every (hours): - hours - Enter the hours to checkout the new image.
Yolo Counter
Use this shortcode to show counter on front page.
Detailed option:
- Style: - select - Choose style for counter.
- Title: - string - Enter text for counter title
- Number: - number - Enter number of statistical. Example 1466.
- Extra class name: - select - Select font family.
- CSS Animation: - select - Select types of animation if you want this element to be animated when it enters into the browsers viewport.
Yolo Widget
Use this shortcode to call widget on your page.
Detailed option:
- Sidebar: - select - Choose style for counter.
- Extra class name: - select - Select font family.
- CSS Animation: - select - Select types of animation if you want this element to be animated when it enters into the browsers viewport.
Yolo Slider Text
Use this shortcode to call widget on your page.
Detailed option:
- Slider Text: Add slider text that includes Title, Description,URL of slider.
- AutoPlay: - select - Turn On/Off auto play
- Slide Duration (ms): - number - Enter slider duration.
- Choose style: - select - Choose style from drop down list.
- Extra class name: - select - Select font family.
- CSS Animation: - select - Select types of animation if you want this element to be animated when it enters into the browsers viewport.
- Slider Images: Add slider images that includes Title, Description,URL of slider.
- AutoPlay: - select - Turn On/Off auto play
- Slider Duration (ms): - number - Enter slider duration.
- Choose style: - select - Choose style from drop down list.
- Logo per slide: - select - Number - Enter logo per slide.
- Extra class name: - select - Select font family.
- CSS Animation: - select - Select types of animation if you want this element to be animated when it enters into the browsers viewport.
Yolo Slider Images
Use this shortcode to call widget on your page.
Detailed option:
BeGreen is a WMPL – compatible and multi- language ready theme. To translate this theme, follow these steps below
- Step 1: Download and install PoEdit tool.
- Step 2: Open PoEdit and open the .po file of your preferred language in PoEdit and search your line you want to change. To do this, select the Edit button > Find option.
- Step 3: In the Search Window, type the text string you are looking for. Once it is selected, replace the text in the Translation text area in the lower part of the window with your preferred translation.
- Step 4: If you’d like to edit another text string, just repeat Steps 1 to 2.
- Step 5: Click “Save” to save configuration. The .mo file will be auto created.
- Step 6: Finally, you need to rename of .mo file with Code Name of your language. Please see the language code list HERE
- Step 7: Navigate to Settings > General > Site Language to select your language.
For example for German – Deutsche
When you come to this section, we hope that you found all the information provided in this documentation helpful and you have finished installing and polishing your site as what you have imagined of. After reading carefully this guide, if you still need any helps, don’t hesitate to contact us at Yolo Support Center. You will be asked to create an account if you are new to us and enter purchase code to post a topic for support. To get your purchase code, please login to your ThemeForest account, navigate to “Downloads”, click the “Download” button on the left side of our theme, choose “License Certificate” to download the license file where you can find the purchase code.
Please be noted to post a topic with your issues be clearly clarified. It is recommended you send us together with link of your site and your admin account. These will help to save time for both of us. Finally, please be patient. It will take us some time to check all the topics and we will solve topics from older to newest.
Hopefully, you will enjoy using BeGreen! Thank you for choosing our theme.